November 25, 2024

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Public Commenters (14 min)
Stephen Katanovic  Nikki Hudson  Faouzi Baddour  Shawn Weiler  Cassandra Lee 

Stephen Katanovic

Over the last year, I gave some rather disturbing speeches about being banned at the Galleria Erieview Tower. I was wrongly accused of restroom misconduct. Recently I just found out that I am no longer banned at the Galleria at Erieview Tower. I attended some city council committee meetings about the Erieview Tower. At these committee meetings I met an agent who represents the owner of the Erieview Tower. The agent told me that I am no longer banned at the Galleria Erieview Tower. However I still can't enter the Galleria because of the upcoming construction project, which is about ready to begin. In recent times, the Kassoufs have been pushing most of the public out of the Galleria because of the upcoming construction project. Once again, in recent times the Kassoufs have been pushing most of the public out of the Galleria because of the upcoming construction project. Currently the Galleria is hardly open to the public because of the construction project that looms. After the construction is over the public will be free to enter and I'll be free to enter once again. After the construction is over the public will be free to enter and I'll be free to enter. According to the agent who represents the Kassoufs I am no longer banned at the Galleria and Erieview Tower. Again I am no longer banned at the Galleria and Erieview Tower. However I do need to pardon their dust for a while. My name is Stephen Katanovic.

1:44 Permalink

Nikki Hudson

Good evening. I want to take a moment to thank council member Jenny Spencer for her admirable service on City Council. She has led Ward 15 with honesty, integrity, and has shown true courage and going against the status quo, including by not following what has become the customary practice of appointing a successor, which will allow for a more competitive race in electing our next council person. Although I am still holding out hope that she will reconsider, I wish her the absolute best in whatever direction life takes her.

With only one more city council meeting left after tonight before the end of the year, I want to talk about redistricting in the new ward maps that have yet to be released to the public or even seen by many of you. As speakers from last week's public comment articulated, the process for drawing these maps leaves a lot to be desired. First and foremost, the public should actually get to see proposed maps and be given the opportunity to comment and provide feedback on them before they are voted on. Releasing them and voting on them the very same day or even the same week is not going to cut it. The city deserves better and we need to see those maps. I also want to address the very serious charges that have been brought against Chairman Fahiem of New Era. Charges that could result in sending an innocent man, a father, to prison. For much of 2024, members of our group have been coming to City Council meetings, first regarding Cudell Park, and more recently, a gas station that was to be built immediately next to Cudell Park. In that time we've gotten to know, we've met and gotten to know, Chairman Fahiem and have seen for ourselves the work he and New Era do for this city, not for money or power, but because they love the city and more importantly the people who live in it. We've also had several interactions with the gas station owner and his associates who brought these charges against Fahiem, because it's the same owner who is planning to build the gas station we've been protesting. As a reminder, this is the group who manipulated public comment and had people who work for them sign up to speak as if they were concerned members of the community. This group also cursed at, threatened, and made other attempts at intimidating us, including here inside City Hall. For us, the idea that these people are the innocent victims and the man promoting peace and community is guilty of some sort of crime isn't just hard to believe, it's downright absurd, and so I want to remind all of you public officials elected and appointed, we the people are watching and we the people expect justice and accountability.

3:01 Permalink

Faouzi Baddour

Good evening I'm I served in the Democratic Party central committee and executive committee for more than 25 years, and I did a lot more activities for the Democratic Party. I quit all my activities for the Democratic Party after the last redistricting.

The last redistricting was awful, was unreasonable. The only reason that was to serve the selfish interest of one person and they done it, not under the table, they done it under the ground so nobody can hear them breathing. When they came out they rip Cudell Park apart, they rip me apart. I have one foot in ward 11 one foot in ward 15 said like Cudell, and that's wrong but now you correctly. This Council and you brother Griffin, thank you, you put the medicine where the wound is, you brought it back to the people, you ask the people for help, complete that. Let's complete that. The people is with you on this.

We ask that the consultant proposal district map be released to the public. Let the people look, take a look at it, let the people help you. You help us and we help you. We're one in this. We want this city to be more perfect city, and this more perfect city is what takes this city forward.

One other thing, I have proposal about ward 15. Now I'm assuming it's going to be ward 13, let's do it like from West 65th to West 117th border with Lakewood, from the lake to the border with Brooklyn. That's how ward 16 before the last restrict was, it was from 85th to west 117. This I'm supposing is a wider place so West 65th, and I hope Jenny Spencer will be the council person for that ward. Thank you.

2:35 Permalink

Shawn Weiler

I address the Cleveland City Council through the council president. Good evening councilmen. Today I will talk about how to solve the poverty and homeless problem in this city justly.

There use a YouTube video entitled 'all states are empires of economic lies'. In it the speaker says that lies are most often found in history, economics, and law. Solving the problem of poverty is ultimately a matter of truth in economics and law. The causes should be apparent enough. Sometimes a person does not succeed economically. He has quote, 'bad luck' unquote when it comes to any job he doesn't get the wages that would be sufficient for him to live comfortably, or perhaps at all. Perhaps the person is disabled and isn't able to be employed somehow. The question to be answered is what rights does the person in need of employment have? The answers should be apparent enough.

In the Ohio Constitution, it specifies the right to life, safety, and acquiring and possessing property among others. What does it mean to have the right to life? It means that a person in need has the right to expect that those with means provide for his necessities that will ward off death. So for example a person who is incapacitated has the right to medical treatment and basic sustenance. Obviously in this particular case it is impossible for this person to earn a living as such the duty of care lays with the person's relatives, and in the last resort, the government, there is a right which appears to be not recognized by judges and attorneys nowadays, apparently they have never heard of it. It is the right to earn a living. This is a natural right, and another formulation is the right to acquire and possess productive property. Basically it is the right to a job with reasonable working conditions in pay. As such there is a duty for employers to hire an unemployed person under just terms. The major terms typically would be reasonable hours and reasonable wages. The wage portion depends on the needs of the household of the worker. So a family has the right to a family wage while an individual has a right to an individual wage. Any person with basic financial understanding should know that finances are a matter of balancing income against expenses, so a poor person either has a too low income or too high expenses. It is the fraud of freedom of contract that causes this situation. Morality requires both just prices and a just wage, but a just wage will take into account the just prices. A just wage is not abstract and impersonal. One lie or error that is believed by many is that rent is just. Strictly speaking, it is the crime of extortion. It is the sin of usery which is a sin against justice. And I plan to continue. Thank you.

3:03 Permalink

Cassandra Lee

Hi. I put in an application for the side lot next to my house earlier this year, okay. I don't know where else to go, okay.

I've talked to my councilman, I've talked to Mayor Bibb, I've talked to his office, I've talked to the county office, I've talked to the city landbank, the county landbank, I don't know where else to go. Now they're telling me that the side lot next to my house was called an opportunity zone, okay, and because it's called an opportunity zone is two parcels, it's two lots.

10 years ago when I tried to get it it was just one lot next to my house. Now all of a sudden because I whoever owned it before wouldn't sell it, and the county wouldn't take it, okay, so I've got off course, okay. Because the city never cut the property timely, I started cutting it because it's next to my house, okay, and so because I started cutting it, they were not charging the person that owned it property taxes I guess. When they took the rest of his property they did not take the side lot and the lot next to it. So all I want is the side lot next to my house and now they're telling me that it's 6,200 and some odd square feet and that I need to pay $4,350 instead of the $200 for just the lot next to my house. I can't afford $4,375, I've been living there for 20 years, okay, and I've been taking care of it, but because you guys were not charging him his property taxes, now is two parcels, it's two lots. I just need some help to know where I'm going to next because they want me to pay for a surveyor to come out and split the lot back up again now that the county done took it. The city land bank now has it. The mayor's office is not helping me, my council person is not able to help me, he says he going to the Law Department, I still haven't heard anything. This been going on since early part of this year. I've been trying to get this lot for 10 years. I think I deserve this. That's all I have to say.

2:23 Permalink